CTR-SDK Change Log


CTR-SDK 11.6.1 (2018-06-20 - for System Updater 0.27.0)

Update Details

Bug Fixes

CTR-SDK 11.6.0 (2017-09-19 - for System Updater 0.27.0)

Update Details

Additions and Changes

Bug Fixes

Previous Revision Histories

For the previous change log, see here.

For change logs prior to CTR-SDK 7.2.1, see here.

Changes in CTR-SDK 11.6.1 (2018-06-20 - for System Updater 0.27.0)

Bug Fixes

Bug Fix 56-S01: (DevEnv) Fixed a bug when building in CTR-SDK 11.6.0 where a warning message was displayed in Master Editor if the SDK and the desc file versions did not match. [SDK]

Fixed a bug when building in CTR-SDK 11.6.0 where a warning message was displayed in Master Editor if the SDK and the desc file versions did not match.

Bug Fix (HIO) Fixed a bug where nn::hio::HostFile::Seek in PARTNER-CTR would not support a file larger than 2 GB. [SDK]

Fixed a bug where the nn::hio::HostFile::Seek function, when combined with PARTNER-CTR, could not seek from the beginning of files in areas over 2 GB.

Changes in CTR-SDK 11.6.0 (2017-09-19 - for System Updater 0.27.0)

Additions and Changes

Additions and Changes 55-S03: (BOSS) Improved documentation for the rules for displaying the update indicator for SpotPass. [SDK]

Improved documentation for the rules for update indicator display for SpotPass.
For more information, see the documentation for Update Indicator at $CTR_SDK/documents/resources/UpdateIndicator/UpdateIndicator.html.

Additions and Changes 55-S04: (BOSS) Clarified that the service status of the data store linking task remains as SERVICE_UNKNOWN. [SDK]

Added to the nn::boss::Task::GetServiceStatus function reference that the service status remains as SERVICE_UNKNOWN with the BOSS with the data store linking task.

Additions and Changes 55-S06: (EC) Updated the eShop REST API manual. [SDK]

Updated the eShop REST API manual.

Additions and Changes 55-S07: (EC) Revised the manual to state that dummy credit cards can no longer be used on South Korean region consoles. [SDK]

Revised the manual because in the development environment, specification changes no longer allowed adding balances with credit cards when the country was set as Korea.

Additions and Changes 55-S08: (FS) Added to the manual that nn::fs::ResultWriteProtected might sometimes not be returned when the SD card is write-protected. [SDK | Sample Demos]

Added to the function reference and the sample demo that when accessing a write-protected SD card, nn::fs::ResultOperationDenied is returned instead of nn::fs::ResultWriteProtected.

Bug Fixes

Bug Fix 55-S01: (APPLET) Fixed a bug that generated an error when jumping to Nintendo eShop while a library applet had been preloaded. [SDK]

When jumping to Nintendo eShop when a request to preload a library applet was issued with the nn::swkbd::CTR::PreloadKeyboardApplet or other function, an error would occur. This bug has been fixed.

Bug Fix 55-S02: (BOSS) Fixed a bug that entered an extraneous character at the end of a URL return displayed with BossLotcheckTool. [SDK]

A bug caused an inappropriate character to be displayed when displaying the BOSS task URL using the BossLotCheckTool. This bug has been fixed.

Bug Fix 55-S05: (CX) Fixed a bug that caused a buffer overrun with the nn::cx::CompressHuffman function. [SDK]

Depending on the content of the data to be compressed, a bug caused data to be written that exceeded the size of the buffer allocated by nn::cx::CompressHuffman. This bug has been fixed.

Bug Fix 55-S09: (SND) Fixed a bug where the status for nn::snd::CTR::WaveBuffer structures after waking from sleep mode did not update correctly. [SDK]

A bug prevented the status for nn::snd::CTR::WaveBuffer structures being played from being updated correctly after waking from sleep mode. This bug has been fixed.

Bug Fix 55-S10: (TOOL) Fixed a bug that caused insufficient memory with makerom. [SDK]

A bug caused crashes due to insufficient memory in environments with multiple CPU cores. This bug was fixed.