Sample Demos Change Log


CTR-SDK 11.6.0 (2017-09-19 - for System Updater 0.27.0)

Update Details

Additions and Changes

Bug Fixes

Previous Revision Histories

For the previous change log, see here.

For change logs prior to CTR-SDK 7.2.1, see here.

Changes in CTR-SDK 11.6.0 (2017-09-19 - for System Updater 0.27.0)

Additions and Changes

Addition or Change 55-D02: (FS) Added to the manual that nn::fs::ResultWriteProtected is not returned when the SD card is write-protected [SDK | Sample Demos]

Added to the function reference and the sample demo that when accessing a write-protected SD card, nn::fs::ResultOperationDenied is returned instead of nn::fs::ResultWriteProtected.

Bug Fixes

Bug Fix 55-D01: (BOSS) Fixed a bug that may prevent proper handling of task completion when a task error occurred with sample_datastore [Sample Demos]

Fixed a bug in the BOSS data store sample that prevented proper handling of task completion when a task error occurred. This was caused by multiple calls to nn::boss::Task::GetState with acknowledge=true.